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Featured Golf Article
You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!
Exercises For Golf Strength Can Be Done In Your Home
By Mike Pedersen
Exercises for golf strength improvement are not done with machines you see in most of the gyms. In fact, exercises for golf can be done to improve your strength without any machines at all!
What that means is a golf strength training program can be done with minimal golf training equipment and in the convenience of your home...saving you time and money!
The types of exercises you should focus on are golf swing oriented. What I mean is they break up the swing into phases, and you apply resistance via tubing, medicine balls or even dumbbells to improve golf specific strength.
Secondly, most of these exercises for golf strength should be rotational in nature, just like your golf swing. Why would you do a regular crunch (straight up and straight down) when the golf swing is rotational? You wouldn't.
You also want to do as many exercises for golf that incorporate your golf posture body position. This will indirectly strengthen all your golf stabilizing muscles for a "rock-solid" golf swing!
I could go on and on in this article, but I'll be covering in more detail this topic in future articles. Either way...I want you to get going right now! Do something to improve your game right this minute!
About The Author: Mike Pedersen is an Internationally recognized golf fitness trainer and author. He is Golf Magazines golf performance expert, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf performance membership sites. Take a look at his best selling [http://www.performbettergolf.com/golf-fitness-system.html]Golf Fitness Strength System at his [http://www.performbettergolf.com/]golf strength training site - PerformBetterGolf.com.
Quick Golf Ideas
If the shoulders are in a closed position (facing to the right of the target) the clubhead travel will be inside-to-outside of the target line. With the shoulders parallel to the target line at impact, the clubhead travel will be inside-to-direct. This shoulder motion allows the clubhead to travel to the target, not away from the target as in the other positions.Remember the shoulders must remain passive, and are a follower in your swing, not a leader.
...Tom's golf tips
Build An Athletic Platform
Developing a powerful and consistent golf swing always starts with the address position. Tension should be avoided at all costs. Instead, the setup should have a light and bouncy feel that gets you ready to move freely in an athletic way. Tension restricts the body from moving properly and requires the hands and arms to play too active a role in the swing. Rehearse your setup carefully, and your swing will improve.
...Golf Tips magazine
The overall contour of the green can be assessed from 50-100 yards out. It's a fact that a ball will roll away from mountains and towards the ocean; so if there is a hill near the green the ball will roll away from it. If there is a lake near the green the ball will roll toward it.
...US Golf Association
Iron Game Tip
A very important factor in striking the ball solidly and consistently with your irons is getting the "bottom" of your swing in front of the ball (i.e., the lowest spot in the swing's arc on the target side of the ball). Divot diagram This promotes contacting the ball before the ground (this is a good idea). You can develop a feel for this by scratching a line on the ground with a tee, or making a row of tees spaced about 6 inches apart, perpendicular to your target line. Straddle the line and take divots until you consistently make the divots in front of (toward the target from) the line, or row of tees. You can certainly hit balls this way too -- with the balls on the line or between each of the tees. Once you can do this you'll hit your iron shots much more solidly and with more control.
...PGA professional golf
Today's Golf News
Harrington Wins The Open Championship. Leads Worldwide Sweep For Titleist Golf Balls
Mon, 23 Jul 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist is the Overwhelming Choice of Equipment at U.S. Junior Championship
Mon, 30 Jul 2007 00:00:00 GMT
beginners golf training aids
ping golf

You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!
Exercises For Golf Strength Can Be Done In Your Home
By Mike Pedersen
Exercises for golf strength improvement are not done with machines you see in most of the gyms. In fact, exercises for golf can be done to improve your strength without any machines at all!
What that means is a golf strength training program can be done with minimal golf training equipment and in the convenience of your home...saving you time and money!
The types of exercises you should focus on are golf swing oriented. What I mean is they break up the swing into phases, and you apply resistance via tubing, medicine balls or even dumbbells to improve golf specific strength.
Secondly, most of these exercises for golf strength should be rotational in nature, just like your golf swing. Why would you do a regular crunch (straight up and straight down) when the golf swing is rotational? You wouldn't.
You also want to do as many exercises for golf that incorporate your golf posture body position. This will indirectly strengthen all your golf stabilizing muscles for a "rock-solid" golf swing!
I could go on and on in this article, but I'll be covering in more detail this topic in future articles. Either way...I want you to get going right now! Do something to improve your game right this minute!
About The Author: Mike Pedersen is an Internationally recognized golf fitness trainer and author. He is Golf Magazines golf performance expert, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf performance membership sites. Take a look at his best selling [http://www.performbettergolf.com/golf-fitness-system.html]Golf Fitness Strength System at his [http://www.performbettergolf.com/]golf strength training site - PerformBetterGolf.com.
Quick Golf Ideas
If the shoulders are in a closed position (facing to the right of the target) the clubhead travel will be inside-to-outside of the target line. With the shoulders parallel to the target line at impact, the clubhead travel will be inside-to-direct. This shoulder motion allows the clubhead to travel to the target, not away from the target as in the other positions.Remember the shoulders must remain passive, and are a follower in your swing, not a leader.
...Tom's golf tips
Build An Athletic Platform
Developing a powerful and consistent golf swing always starts with the address position. Tension should be avoided at all costs. Instead, the setup should have a light and bouncy feel that gets you ready to move freely in an athletic way. Tension restricts the body from moving properly and requires the hands and arms to play too active a role in the swing. Rehearse your setup carefully, and your swing will improve.
...Golf Tips magazine
The overall contour of the green can be assessed from 50-100 yards out. It's a fact that a ball will roll away from mountains and towards the ocean; so if there is a hill near the green the ball will roll away from it. If there is a lake near the green the ball will roll toward it.
...US Golf Association
Iron Game Tip
A very important factor in striking the ball solidly and consistently with your irons is getting the "bottom" of your swing in front of the ball (i.e., the lowest spot in the swing's arc on the target side of the ball). Divot diagram This promotes contacting the ball before the ground (this is a good idea). You can develop a feel for this by scratching a line on the ground with a tee, or making a row of tees spaced about 6 inches apart, perpendicular to your target line. Straddle the line and take divots until you consistently make the divots in front of (toward the target from) the line, or row of tees. You can certainly hit balls this way too -- with the balls on the line or between each of the tees. Once you can do this you'll hit your iron shots much more solidly and with more control.
...PGA professional golf
Today's Golf News
Harrington Wins The Open Championship. Leads Worldwide Sweep For Titleist Golf Balls
Mon, 23 Jul 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist is the Overwhelming Choice of Equipment at U.S. Junior Championship
Mon, 30 Jul 2007 00:00:00 GMT
beginners golf training aids
ping golf
Labels: indoor putting greens
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